
Build Status

Doorsale is open source e-commerce solution, simplicity are features designed to thrive sales, which are reaching to be production ready.

To see Doorsale in action, visit Demo site.

Setting up Doorsale e-commerce

Doorsale demo repository is for quickly getting up and running e-commerce site on your local workstation, its readme contains all steps to setting up a site.

When you have enough testing on prepopulated data in demo projects, starting your own site from skretch is similar to creating project in Django.

Create a new virtualenv for your own e-commerce project

$ virtualenv doorsale_env && source doorsale_env/bin/activate

Install the latest development version from this git repository.

$ pip install --upgrade git+

Create a e-commerce project using instead of using

$ startproject doorsale_site

Create database schema by running migrate command, by default django project use SQLite, which off course you can changed in, if you are new to databases this is good choice to start with. Migrate command will also load initial data in database as well.

$ python migrate

Node.js is required for LESS & javascript preprocessing, assuming node.js is already installed, let's verify that your site works, run development server and visit, you will see products catalog index page with no products and categories

$ python runserver

Django-Pipeline settings is configured to use LESS & Yuglify node.js packages for static files preprocessing & compression. When you deploy your site with collectstatic command these packages will be called. You can install both packages with npm (node.js package manager).

$ npm install -g less yuglify

Demo repository is following master branch on Doorsale, so you should pull changes frequently to keep things synchronized and running smoothly, see demo project readme for more details.


Doorsale is yet to be production ready, there are few tasks left in completeness, listed as follows.

Built With


Doorsale is free and open-source, we support and encourages an active heathly community that accepts contributions from the public – including you!

We look forward to seeing your pull requests!


Doorsale Demo Screenshot